Magelia WebStore - Catalogs - Product association

Magelia WebStore

Catalogs - Product association

  • DocumentationTab-Catalogs-AddProducts-Help


    This screen allows you to quickly find and assign products to a catalog so that you can put them online to sell.
    Since product prices are defined in terms of the catalog, products must be assigned to a catalog in order to be sold online.

    • A product can be assigned to several catalogs and it can have a different price in each catalog.

    There are two parts for this screen: to the right are products that are already assigned to a catalog and to the left are all the other available products.

    How to ? Add or Remove products to /from a catalog :
    The Add button or the Magelia - Add button icon allows you to assign products to a catalog.
    The Remove button or the Magelia - Delete button icon allows you to remove products from a catalog.

    • Product variants are in the product lists. To see the details, click on the Magelia - Info button icon.

    Use the search field at the top of the screen to create a product selection. Select the products that you would like to add to a catalog and click on the Add to Catalog button. Products that you have selected will move from the left side of the screen to the right side.

    • You can see the list of added products once you have finished creating your catalog.
    • DO When you have finished your catalog, be sure to save it.
    • DO NOT check the Active flag in the General Data Tab until you have defined prices for the products that you have just assigned to a catalog.